Finance and fitness are related, and they play instrumental roles in bringing stability to your life. That’s why investing in your fitness pays off in both your physical and financial well-being—especially in the long term. It's well known that stress is a key driver of breakdowns in your health, and finances can be one of the biggest stressors you face. But they don’t have to be. Consider these four tips to help you incorporate fitness into your life to also improve your finances.

Good health is the greatest wealth. Finding a way to balance your fitness and finances today can help you enjoy life more in the future.
1. Start using a fitness tracker
Fitness trackers keep tabs on our calories, heart rate and steps, but the benefits go beyond physical fitness—they can cost-effectively boost your financial fitness as well. For example, some insurance companies and employers incentivize the use of these devices with lower insurance premiums and discounts to encourage customers and employees to be more proactive in improving their health. Trackers can make fitness more fun, interactive and competitive, with the long-term advantage of decreasing your health risks and their related costs.
2. Consider using your car less
How much do you really need your car? At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies transitioned to a remote or hybrid work model, and some jobs are now considered permanently remote. If you previously commuted by car and now work remotely, chances are you’re no longer spending the same amount of money on fuel, tolls, and parking, and you could save or invest that money for the future. Some car insurance carriers also offer lower premiums when you drive fewer miles. If you use your car less, you might also find opportunities to walk or bike to places you normally drive, which is good for your health and can save you money. Ultimately, you might find that you don’t need a car at all—or you might need one less car in your household.
3. Try apps to help you sleep
Getting proper rest is extremely important to your overall health. Sleep is restorative to your body and helps you stay engaged and alert during the day. This can lead to better performance in your life and career, and less health care-related costs in the future. For many people, a mild amount of constant noise—often referred to as white noise—can help them drift off to sleep. For others, relaxing melodies have the same soothing effect. Many free apps are available that can provide these background noises and help you establish a sleep schedule that keeps you in good health.
4. Save by cooking at home
Many people spend a lot of money eating out. While eating out can be convenient, it can also be expensive and not always the healthiest approach. Taking the time to prepare homemade meals gives you more control over how much you spend and what you’re eating. Planning your meals also helps you save money by using coupons, finding sales and buying only the products you really need. Remember that diet is directly related to your physical health, so paying attention to what you eat today may pay benefits in the future.
Any money saved can be a benefit, no matter what your situation is. It can go toward paying off debts, an emergency savings account for unforeseen events, or toward specific purchases such as a down payment on a house, holiday, retirement or insurance. But most importantly, remember that health is the greatest wealth.