Protecting your clients’ self-funded plans with stop loss is an important step toward preserving the financial solvency of their group health plans. But as the frequency and severity of large claims continue to escalate, you may need to review your clients’ stop loss coverage to determine if it is appropriate for their group.

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You may find your clients asking questions like:

  • “Is my stop loss deductible too high or too low?”
  • “Are my employees likely to have high-cost claims?”
  • “Should I purchase Aggregate coverage?”
  • “Do my employee demographics affect my claim costs?”

Powered by Symetra Data Analytics—including data from over 40,000 RFPs over the past three years—our Peer Group Stop Loss Analysis offers insights to help your clients see how their purchasing decisions compare to their peers and the industry overall. Each customized report provides analytics specific to five distinct peer groups, segmented by the number of enrolled employees. Several of the benchmarks also incorporate industry (SIC) and location for a truly personalized stop loss purchasing decision support tool.

To see a sample report, visit And to request a custom Peer Group Stop Loss Analysis for your group, contact your Symetra representative.

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