It’s true, accidents really can happen to anyone at any time. Offering accident coverage can help employees manage an unexpected financial hit and help employers maintain a happy workforce.

You may have noticed that we offer two types of accident coverage: scheduled benefit (PDF) and per occurrence (PDF). Understanding how both policies work can help your clients decide which plan best fits their benefits package.

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Let’s break it down

Groups that typically choose scheduled benefit accident coverage:

  • View catastrophic injury protection as a high priority.
  • Are likely to pair it with additional supplemental coverages.

Groups that typically choose per occurrence accident coverage:

  • Look for financial protection for accidents that tend to be more common.
  • Have a high-deductible major medical plan in place.


Let’s take a closer look

Scheduled benefit accident coverage pays a fixed benefit amount after an accidental injury, based on the type of injury or medical treatment incurred. Benefits are paid regardless of any other health insurance employees may have and can help close coverage gaps when there are deductible, copay or coinsurance requirements to meet.

Per occurrence accident coverage pays for 100% of eligible services and supplies related to an accidental injury, up to the benefit limits (unless covered by workers’ compensation). Like scheduled benefit accident coverage, benefits are paid regardless of any other health insurance employees may have. However, in this case, there is no schedule of benefits, and eligible services related to the original accident are covered even if they’re incurred on different days or with different providers.1

For a complete side-by-side comparison, check out our accident comparison brochure (PDF).


1 Expenses must be incurred within 52 weeks from the date of the accident, and the first expense must be incurred within 60 days after the date of the accident.

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